The Hon. Martin L. C. Feldman is Judge, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.

The full quotation follows:

"There cannot be any tolerance for corruption in government. If a person is corrupt in government, the public has a right to think that everyone in government is corrupt. Corruption shakes the very foundation of our government." [1]

In 2010, Judge Feldman's own honesty and compliance with recusal laws were called into question [2].

  1. Gordon Russell, "Corruption sweep nets ex-officials; One gets 4 months in prison, another waits to be sentenced," The Times-Picayune, New Orleans, January 23, 2003, p. A-1.

  2. John W. Dean. "Does the Judge Who Blocked Obama's Drilling Moratorium Suffer from an Unethical Conflict of Interest?" FindLaw Legal News, June 25, 2010,, accessed 07/01/10.